Friday, March 11, 2011

Putting it All Together

If you have had a chance to read Bob's blog, you'll know that our meeting with Rafi went well last Monday. We are moving on the right track with our project, creating an E-Marketing plan, not a business plan, that will encourage public health behavior modification. The next step in our plan is the Implementation. This is a very important, detail filled, part of the plan.

At the last meeting we created an email address and a facebook page. We also need to create a Blog via Blogger as well as a Twitter and LinkedIn account. Each account needs to have a detailed implementation plan similar to the one that I have listed below for facebook. I would like to assign each person a task in order to complete the implementation plan. We can discuss these tasks further at our meeting on Sunday.

Shawna ~ Please create a Twitter account @LiveLifeAloha if it's available and write out a detailed plan of how we are going to use Twitter to our benefit.

Brandy ~ Please create a LinkedIn Company for us along with a detailed plan on it's benefits and how we will use it.

Bevin ~ Please create a Blogger account along with a detailed plan of how it will be used

Jared ~ I would love to utilize your technical skills with putting together a power point presentation for our presentation once we have the content complete.

Alana ~ Please assist Bob with anything that he needs in putting together the website.

Implementation Plan


Facebook will be used by Live Life Aloha as a place where our members can come together for support and group discussion. Whether you are struggling with shedding those stubborn pounds and you’re looking for advice from someone who has been through it themselves or you just want a healthy idea for dinner, the Live Life Aloha page is where you can find what you are looking for.

The Social Media Manager will post twice a day on the wall. Once in the morning around 8:00a.m and once during lunch around 12:00p.m. The morning post will be an informative statement or a question and the lunch time post will be a healthy recipe. All posts should end with a call to action such as “Visit our website for more recipe ideas” or “Tell us your favorite place to Zumba”. Google Analytics will also be reviewed daily by our Social Media Manager as a way to track increased traffic and the effectiveness of the information that is being posted.

The Facebook “like” key will be incorporated into our Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogger, and webpage in an effort to direct more traffic to our page. Live Life Aloha will also add The UH Maui College Wellness Center, YMCA, and other health and fitness affiliates into our “favorite pages.” Comments will be posted on other health and wellness sites in an effort to begin discussion and increase awareness for our own page.

I am open to and encourage any comments and/or constructive criticism.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Sunday.

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